Friday, May 15, 2009


First off, thanks to Skip Hursh for making my sweet new title picture. Head over to his page to check out his sweet art skills.

Second off, I'm pretty livid about this whole Tucker Max at OSU thing. I just watched the video of the protest linked on Fark and I'm extremely proud of those who showed up to protest. You interrupted and everyone heard. Though it was never shut down, you guys did your best. Tucker Max is a terrible human being and I have no idea how he sleeps at night. (Did I see John Pate stand up and yell at one point? I hope so, that is so rad.)


Right. On to other, more pleasant things.

Tonight I am going to be trudging through a bit of writing I've had a hard time getting around to, plus a little extra for a Producer in LA.

This is a part of that bit of writing, my blog, because I should update more often. I figure I'd start off with it as a way to get warmed up AND procrastinate. One stone. After this, I'll be writing mostly notes on Mike's script submission and my page or two of scriptage. I'll finish up with some technical writing for that Producer. Fun night. Good thing I've got a video chat going to keep me company. (Hi, Cass!)

So, I've started reading On Writing by Stephen King again, this time with more drive to finish it. I don't know what has sparked in me since the last time I tried, but it's going really fast now. I think I've probably matured as a writer to where I want to eat up anything and everything I can on the subject that isn't boring and pretentious. (He makes mention of another book right at the beginning that every writer should read. I'll nail that next.) Say what you will about Stephen King, the man has done a lot and has tremendous amounts of wisdom.

I hope someday I can be wise.

Also, I read Neil Gaiman's blog religiously, and found that in that link there is an awesome writer's POV on how a fan should feel when waiting for the next installment of a series. (Pretty much summed up as that the writer is "not your bitch.")

So these past few days of break from blogging has made me realize that to write, you should also read. A whole damn bunch.

- As I'm writing this I'm thinking about the technical writing I have to do and wondering, "Is it okay to be funny and colloquial?" Probably. I'll try it a few ways. -

Hmm. Let's see. Not only writing business has been going on, but other business as well. I've been working on a Best Man Speech (I guess that's writing, goddamn it.), and just got fitted for a Tuxedo for the same occasion. I'm really happy for both Skip and Emily. I just gotta keep myself from quoting Back to the Future as the opening lines in front of HUNDREDS OF ONLOOKERS.

I've mowed the lawn.

Man. I guess all I do is write. I'm okay with that.

So I guess I should do some writing. That and be constantly interrupted by the WOOT OFF going on.

Get used to the linking of things.



  1. Firstly, thanks for introducing my to the work of Mr. Hursh. He does some nice stuff, and seems worthy of being a motivator for me to get my ball rolling again.

    Don't ever let someone else tell you you're wasting your time because only you can truly know how it was spent. What might look like sitting around to someone else could be brainstorming and idealizing for you.

    Keep this up!

  2. Colin, you are just a magical enigma, aren't you?

  3. Also, sir I am of the male persuasion...just saying. :P

  4. That Gaiman link is amazing. He is the man.
