Thursday, August 27, 2009

The End of the Tunnel

The secret project nears completion, with it's final date being this monday before the editing look-throughs. I think it's turning out even more fantastic than I had originally thought, and the idea took turns in ways I could have never imagined. It was definitely a process and a journey, and I will have a complete blog post on it when it has been revealed.

The script is well on it's way, and I'm sitting here in the coffee shop editing and polishing the first act to give to an eager producer in LA. The due date for that is next Wednesday. (Self applied by myself and my writing partner.)

I also may have cooked up another idea last night, and have been discussing it with fellow writers.

AND I want to get to my ghost story. I can't let that one slip, it's scratching to be let out of my brain-cage.

I fear a day when the idea bank runs dry. For now, though, it doesn't look like it's soon.

Now I just need to figure out how to get ****ing paid to do this stuff. The love is still strong for it, though!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Music and Writing

Do you listen to music as you write, or right before to kick-start your brain? Sometimes I can listen to music while simultaneously writing, but other times I need silence. - Corey

Good question.

I would say that 3/4 of the time that I write, I listen to music while I do so. To me it's not distracting and if I have an idea of the scene, I will actually select something that fits the mood of what I'm getting into.

That doesn't necessarily mean, however, that everything stays nice and tidy as I'm birthing words. I will more often than not stray to some other mood, or just not be digging the music, which makes me change it (the music) or what I'm writing. This is a good thing, something that I could claim I'm counting on, so as to shift what I'm writing from what I planned in to the unknown of creativity. Making those ideas flow. Y'know.

I also find inspiration in good music, which drives me to want to create things for other people to like as much as I'm liking track seven or three or twelve.

On the other hand, when I want silence, it's when I'm most focused and set in my ways on what I want to write, or that I'm in a very emotional state (I'm such a pansy) in which I don't want anything to add to or take away from it. Maybe I'm super happy and just want that to reflect in my work, or maybe something went horribly wrong and I'm writing to get it out. I need that concentration to even get me motivated to write when I'm in such a mood.

Right. Thanks for the question, Corey, it helped me update.

I was writing a bit of my secret project a few seconds ago, actually, not listening to music. Only because Allison (my sister) called and interrupted and I had to hit pause, which then led me to take a bigger break. A productive one, so thanks to Allison for this post too.

And back to writing.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Of Muffins and Coffee

Hello again.

I suppose this will serve as a warm up before I start my notes on this script once more. I've chosen again to write the notes by hand, for some reason the process of doing it that way helps me follow through. Also, I suppose, I look a bit more professional to these people occupying this coffee shop. That's a plus. I hope one day they'll ask me for a business card, and I can say, "No."

I am also currently listening to a Rayess Bek album that I bought the other day. He is pretty freaking rad, flipping between languages as he hip-hops in my brain. I wonder if it'll be conducive to good writing. Haven't tried yet, tonight will be a test.

And so I sit, with a cup of coffee and a chocolate chocolate chip muffin, ready to write.

Thanks for the company.

(I read Neil Gaiman's blog, and it seems like he has things to say all the time. Maybe it's because he gets asked questions. Ask me questions. Or maybe its because he keeps bees. Or maybe its because he is an accomplished, famous writer. Whatever.)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Breath of Fresh Air

I've gotten second wind in my writing life. It seems like every day this week I've been off to the park or coffee shop just to write and work on things. I'm currently making notes (handwritten. that's just how I felt, and it got me going. do what it takes.) on some of my partner's section in our anti-hero script. This is long overdue, and I'm a douche bag. I get it. Better late than never, because we've got a good idea that just happens to be marketable. It's not every day you get those.

As a writer, you can't only just write things with marketing in mind. You just gotta write it down. Evict it from living in your head and make it set up shop written down somewhere. Even if it isn't complete or done, just get it out. It'll get all jumbled and overwhelming if you don't purge every once in a while and I need to get a lot better at keeping my hand on that release valve. I'm consciously aware afterwards, however, if what I've barfed onto my laptop's hard drive can be published or marketed... though, I have never really done either of those. I can just sense it. Just because I rarely go out on the limb to try and get stuff out there (YET.), doesn't mean I'm not right about feeling that stuff out. I've trusted this feeling before with other people's work to some success, so maybe that means I'm a better reader/editor/gut feeler/producer kind of guy than I am a writer.

Anywho, on the same good news front in the realm of writing: the project I'm writing with He Who Must Not Be Named (yes, that one.) is going swimmingly. After my bout of writer's block, a bit of inspiration came from an amazingly inventive and well written section by him. He single handedly kicked me in the idea factory and I ended up producing my section way before my deadline. So, thanks to him. What we're writing means a lot to me, and probably him, so whatever it ends up being, I'm sure we'll both love it and the process.

Time to flip back up to the opening thoughts of this post and talk a little about where to write. The short answer is: Wherever pushes you to fucking write.

I've rarely found that I get a lot done at home; there are too many distractions. Maybe that's just what I tell myself, but I end up surfing the web or playing videogames. Watching a movie or whatever. None of that is bad until it eclipses what I want to get done. So I leave. I may still have internet access at these places, but I am more embarrassed to check Facebook and read really nerdy things in public. Fark is okay, I can read that as a break out there in the world, but checking Gamepro religiously is just... well... unacceptable for some reason. It probably would creep others out just as it does me. I still listen to music no matter where I go though, and I can take breaks just to stop and watch people as well. If I want, order a drink and a muffin. And write write write.

I spend so much time in my room at home that the idea of Getting Out uncorks my creativity. Isn't that the basis of much imagination? To get away? For me it is.

But alas, the Grind is closing as I write this, so I will clean up my dishes and head home. Probably play xbox until tomorrow. Have a wonderful whenever-you-read-this, everyone.

Monday, August 3, 2009


It's been a while, but I thought I'd update for the sake of updating.

I, like most of the nation, am looking for a job. A job with benefits that I do not hate, preferably in Ohio or in eastern Indiana or western Pennsylvania. Hopefully Ohio so I can just go to school here while doing it. Grad school. Yep.

Jobs are scarce. There is still talk of me nailing down a job with that producer in LA, which would be sweet, because then I could work from Ohio, and I'd be doing something I love. No benefits, but I could totally go to school while working it. Win win. Which reminds me, I'll call him today to see what's up. I think he's got a short film in production this month that I was invited to be on the set of, but due to financial woes I will no be able to. Yes, it IS a cool horror film. I wish I could check it out.

MONEY, for god sakes, people. MONEY.

Well, back to this project I'm working on/taking "breaks" to look for jobs.

Maybe a full update later, complete with my awesome sense of humor.